Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, largest group of interns will work throughout Family & Children’s Services beginning this month.
Forty students will obtain broad-based learning exposure to numerous populations, ages and clinical service areas. FCS’ culture of learning coupled with a commitment to using evidence-based treatment practices ensures interns grow professionally while making a tangible difference in clients’ lives.
“For the first time, FCS will have a doctorate student from Oklahoma State University who will be embedded in our Maternal Mental Health program,” said Kari Featherngill, Clinical Supervisor of Interns. “This is a very exciting time. We were down last year because of the pandemic, but we’ve managed to continue the program. We have our largest number of bachelor’s level students. The students are really excited about their experience.” The students have assisted with projects such as enrolling clients in Medicaid to passing out iPads for virtual therapy sessions.
A wide range of opportunities are available for interns at both the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Positions require a commitment of a minimum of 200 hours, completion of a general orientation and program-specific training. Some interns may rotate through multiple programs.
Featherngill said interns eventually join the agency as full-time employees and continue with higher education. Because of the agency’s long-term relationship with area universities and community colleges, graduates can obtain licensure supervision, an unprecedented level of workplace support, clinical supervision and ongoing professional training.
For more information about Family & Children’s Services Internships, contact Kari Featherngill at 918.991.6532 or Intern applications are due for the following time periods – Spring: November 1, Summer: March 1, and Fall: May 1.