Family & Children’s Services (FCS) is proud to announce we are advancing on October 1, 2021 from a Certified as a Community Mental Health Center (CCMHC) to a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: For FCS, CCBHC certification means we will be adding new client support services, expanding our current scope of clinical behavioral healthcare, and adopting a team-based, whole-person care model. CCBHC holds great promise for reaching enhanced client outcomes for persons with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbance This robust service model is made possible by an enhanced CCBHC Medicaid reimbursement payment structure.
CCBHC PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The cornerstone of a CCBHC is to enlarge services beyond mental health and co-occurring substance use treatment to fully address a variety of other pressing client needs including multiple chronic medical conditions, medication adherence, health and wellness, justice involvement, complex social support and basic needs. Clients with high needs and histories of frequent emergency department visits and psychiatric hospitalizations will receive greater intensity and specialty services to facilitate continuity of care through engagement in outpatient and home-based services instead of episodic care in a hospital setting.
This CCBHC approach has been found to optimize recovery outcomes for clients with serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use conditions; limit psychiatric hospitalizations; reduce criminal justice involvement; heighten engagement with primary care that improves medical health outcomes; increase participation in outpatient mental health treatment; improve rates of community connection, employment, education, and housing; and increase adoption of health and wellness activities. involvement, and coordination with school, DHS, and other service providers. The CCBHC approach provides rapid access to same daycare through multiple ways: phone, telehealth, mobile crisis, offices, home-based, school-based and community-based.
In a CCBHC, children with serious emotional disturbance conditions receive wrap-around services in addition to mental health treatment. These services encompass behavioral, medical, social needs, and caregiver and family. Five key components of the treatment model include:
1. Comprehensive outpatient mental health clinical care, crisis services, and substance abuse treatment
2. Medication adherence programs to enhance recovery
3. Transitional services from inpatient to outpatient treatment to bridge care.
4. Intensive case management to address complex social support and basic needs
5. Primary care coordination to improve medical health outcomes
FUNDING: Funding sources include: CCBHC Medicaid, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS), Tulsa Area United Way, and numerous other community resources.
CREDENTIALS: The FCS CCBHC is certified by ODMHSAS, embraced by National Council for Mental Wellbeing and disseminated by SAMHSA.