Family & Children’s Services announces Tina Parkhill as FY18 board president. As the previous chair of the resource development committee, Parkhill enhanced the fundraising efforts of the agency through her inspirational leadership and commitment to F&CS.
Q: How do you manage to juggle family, work and community involvement?
A: I am very blessed to have a great staff of people that work for me and a very loving and patient husband! With that, I have the ability to prioritize my time more efficiently and plan my schedule to accommodate all of my work, personal and community responsibilities.
Q: What qualities do you think are the most important for a successful board member?
A: In my opinion, the main catalyst of being a successful board member is PASSION!! You must have a passion for the cause to drive your desire to serve and assist the organization in achieving its mission and vision. I also think that you have to be PRESENT, not just in the sense of attending board meetings, but as a constant ambassador in the community. I never pass up an opportunity to talk about F&CS! Lastly, you must choose to ENGAGE. A successful board must have full engagement of its members to achieve their strategic plans and objectives.
Outgoing board president Steve Wyett has served as president for the last two years embracing the idea of leading by example. He has been a solid supporter and he always showed up to all things F&CS. You can count on Steve for his excellent presentation style, voice of reason, trust and optimism. He has a knack for blending his humor with integrity in the service of the agency. F&CS thanks him for his leadership in the establishment of our new agency endowment. His big shoes will be hard to fill, but no worries they’ll still be in the room.
Q: What was your biggest takeaway from your time as board president?
A: As president, I was humbled by the opportunity to speak and present on behalf of this incredible organization and see the full depth and breadth of the good work F&CS delivers. I am also more cognizant than ever of the incredible leadership of CEO Gail Lapidus as well as the high level of talent the organization has within its ranks. F&CS is an organization that others should strive to emulate. Like most of my fellow board members, F&CS is not the only charitable organization to which I give of my time and resources. But for me, there is no organization where the impact on the community is as valuable as F&CS. It is hard to imagine Tulsa without F&CS and we are all lucky to have this organization within our community.
Q: What qualities do you think are the most important for a successful board member?
A: A successful board member will share the passion of this organization to help those most vulnerable within our community. Tulsa is a great city but we face many challenges and the statistics of need are all around us. A willingness to help, the courage to take action, and the belief that we can make a difference are all qualities which Board members must possess.